Friday, January 17, 2014


We all know the creation story, we can probably recite John 1:1 verbatim. "In the Beginning was the word, the Word was with God and the Word was God" (John 1:1, NIV). Genesis gives an even better description of how creation came about. You might be wondering why backtrack so far into the past. It is impossible to understand the love of God except you go back to the genesis of the demonstration of this love. The dynamics between mankind and God could very well be replicated in the dynamics among ourselves. See the relationship between God and Adam was not that of a tyrant and His subject. It was a friendship. This was determined first in the conception of the idea, "Let us make man in our image in our likeness..." (Gen 1:26a, NIV).  Man would be like God, a creature that God could relate with...He continued to make him a delegated attendant of the planet earth. He would rule over the birds, the beasts and the fish.

The first act of love: prior to creating him, He sees to an abundance of provision. It is said, "Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there He put the man he had formed...God made all kinds of trees grow...trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food" (Genesis 2:8-9 NIV). Adam had it made for him, not only did he have a limitless supply of food but water too. Four streams for one man. What beats that ? My question for him would be, why would you mess that up? But then again, don't we all?

Adam is in the garden, he has everything he needs but God notices something. Was it a frown, or he just wasn't smiling often enough, who knows? But it communicated a message, this man was lonely. So God goes on a mission to find him a helper He brings all the animals to him one by one. Adam names the animals but decides none of them are good enough. God could have just went off on him and said, "You ungrateful wretched man," and stomped His feet out of his life like most of us would, remember my example,  read Part 1of the series. Nooo, instead God puts him to sleep and using his rib curves out a woman and there it was, "bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh". All of a sudden grumpy Adam turns into Romeo. He had met his Juliet, unfortunately they would soon both die. We'll touch on that subject soon enough.

Ladies and gentlemen what we have reviewed here is what they call double jeopardy, God demonstrates two acts of love. First He considers Adam's loneliness and looks to correct it by attempting a solution for his problem by bringing him options, the second act of love. His option's are rejected, God so patient takes a position of empathy. He realized Adam needed a helper of equal intelligence, a person who understood him. The only way to fulfill such purpose was to draw her from inside him. The third act of love. A lesson we all need to learn Dealing with a person from a place of is not self-seeking


" Love is patient, love is kind, love does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. it keeps no record of always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres ", 1 Corinthians 13:4-6(NIV)
When God provides for Adam, He shoes him kindness. When He notices his loneliness and brings all the beasts. He looks to Protect Adam's interests. When Adam rejects all the options he presents instead of being offended He practices patience and endurance. He doesn't go on to remind him daily of how ungrateful he was and in His graces he was able to forgive him. I am reminded of times when I supposedly forgave someone for an offense and then when they committed another offense because yes they are human, I turn around and say, " remember when you did... and I forgave you...I was so gracious to you". God did not keep record of this wrong.
You are probably thinking, "Well, that was God, am not God". Might I remind you how the idea to make you was conceived. " Let us make man in out image and in our likeness..." Genesis 1:26. That my friend means that you are able to act in patience, kindness and endurance because you are created like God *wink*. It goes even deeper when Adam and God get into an altercation. God is flat out disappointed...pure catastrophe has just happened. Does it strike a chord? Learning how to love even when disappointed.
Watch this space for more...Read LOVE MAKES MY WORLD GO ROUND Series (Part 3)

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